According to Professor Organisational collaboration and creation of innovative value chain is becoming one of the most critical dimensions of new business models. A knowledge-based economy needs high levels of technological literacy. To have rapid access to knowledge centres and replicate the knowledge through quick response is a critical factor of modern organisational performance. A serious problem that faces organisations today is that extensive repositories of theoretical knowledge exist, but with very limited influence in practice due to poor communication channels.
Transforming the organisation into a learning entity where there is a free flow of knowledge within programme management structures has become a necessity for competitiveness and adding value. The challenge lies in that organisations need to transform to learning organisation paradigms and structures. Effective and efficient management of the supply chain portfolio is widely regarded as the key to optimal organisational performance.
Depending on its business model, an organisation can be structured as project driven, non-project driven or hybrid, meaning that the organisation has project-driven as well as non-project driven components in its supply chain. The project and programme management approach to organisational value chain management enables continuous transformation and change towards a learning organisation paradigm and ensures improved performance. This results in enhanced communication and strategy-aligned coordination and integration of operations, applying a systems approach. Cranefield College of Project and Programme Management offers a postgraduate diploma in Project Management.
Source:Business Report, Business Day