2025 Master of Commerce (MCom) – NQF L9

The purpose of the Master of Commerce degree is to gain superior knowledge and understanding of leading and managing the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 or 4IR) virtual dynamic learning organisations. Momentous changes are occurring in the Industry 4.0 environment. Virtual dynamic value chain management has become a vibrant and extremely valuable field of study. Moreover, in today’s high-technology environment, one cannot be a successful leader without having profound project and programme management acumen.
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The ability to deal with rapidly changing advancements in technology and international competitive markets of Industry 4.0, is enhanced.
Customer expectations, product and service enhancement, collaborative innovation, and organisational forms are aspects most affected by the Industry 4.0 economy. These aspects are comprehensively addressed and researched in the Master’s course, and students learn how to best maximise organisational benefits of strategic importance that lead to success.
The Master of Commerce distance learning format and structure allow for flexibility and meet the needs of working professionals with limited time to study. Cranefield College is an ISO-9001-certified leader in private higher education and employs only the best qualified and experienced lecturers who are at the cutting edge of development and research in their fields. This ensures that students enjoy first-class tuition and derive maximum practical benefit from their studies. Successful students receive a solid foundation for more advanced studies and may progress to Cranefield’s PhD in Commerce and Administration, which signifies the highest level of academic attainment.
After completing the Master of Commerce, students will be able to (depending on the option selected):
- Demonstrate with advanced knowledge and skills how to collaboratively lead and programme-manage the cross-functionally shaped value chain of a modern virtual dynamic learning organisation in the quest to optimise its performance in the Industry 4.0 economy.
- Demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in financial wealth management principles and theories, and effective application of financial strategy to add value to the overall performance of 4IR organisations.
- Demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in communicating, critiquing, and defending creative ideas produced through independent research, while conforming to meeting the theoretical and technical requirements of advanced research.
- Demonstrate command of research design, research methodologies and execution of the research process.
Apply what you learn today in your job tomorrow
Employers in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 or 4IR) economy prefer job-relevant education and training for improving the abilities of employees and providing them with the necessary skills to apply what they learn today in their work context tomorrow. All academic programmes and modules are presented in English and due to the structure of all Cranefield’s academic programmes, students need to spend only one morning per month away from work for classes.
Cranefield’s teaching and learning are comprehensively technology-enhanced. Execution of the learning programme content (modules) is done in an agile manner that is in line with accepted international standards. The different learning modules therefore are offered in a highly flexible order. Students have the option to complete all three elective modules, plus the research methodology module and a mini-dissertation, or alternatively, one elective module plus the research methodology module and a dissertation of limited scope.
Note that live interactive online classes are streamed globally via the internet. Student syndicate groups meet outside of work hours to discuss their practical case studies. Cranefield’s state-of-the-art teaching and learning technologies allow classes, and even syndicate group meetings, to be attended live online via the internet anywhere in the world. Recordings of classes are available for revision purposes, or where a student is unable to attend a live online session or resides in a country that falls outside the timeline.
NQF Level 9, with 180 Credits Minimum:
For MCom, it is compulsory to do a minimum of 120 credits at NQF Level 9, and the remainder can be from NQF Level 8 or 9 to reach a minimum of 180 credits.
There are two options available:
Option 1: (180 credits minimum)
- A limited-scope dissertation (120 credits NQF Level 9)
- The Leadership and Management Research Methodology module (30 credits NQF Level 9)
- One module from the subjects shown in the MCom and PGDip categories
Option 2: (180 credits minimum)- A mini-scope dissertation (60 credits NQF Level 9)
- The Leadership and Management Research Methodology module (30 credits NQF Level 9)
- Three modules from the subjects shown in the MCom and PGDip categories, with at least one at NQF Level 9 to reach a minimum of 120 credits at NQF Level 9
Note: The Research Methodology module and the electives can be undertaken in any order, along with the dissertation (limited-scope 120 credits or mini-scope 60 credits) depending on the MCom option chosen.
MCom Modules Available (NQF Level 9) (30 credits each):
- Module MCB1: Corporate Wealth Management (formerly M9.1)
- Module MCB2: Managing Virtual Dynamic Learning Organisations (formerly M9.3)
- Module MCB3: Advanced Strategic Marketing Management (formerly M9.5)
- Module MCB4: Managing for Organisational Performance (formerly M9.2)
- Module MCB5: Digital Transformation Management (formerly M9.4)
- Module MCB6: Leadership and Management Research Methodology (formerly M8)
- Module MCB7: Dissertation of Limited Scope (120 credits). The dissertation may be started immediately after completing MCB6 (formerly M10.1)
- Module MCB8: Mini-Dissertation (60 credits). The dissertation may be started immediately after MCB6 (formerly M10.2)
PGDip Modules Available (NQF Level 8) (40 credits each):- Module PGB1: Transformational Corporate Strategy (formerly M4)
- Module PGB2: Creating High-Performance Project and Process Teams (formerly M5)
- Module PGB3: Infrastructural Asset Management (formerly M6)
- Module PGB4: Manufacturing Management in the Evolving Economy (new)
For more information on PGDip modules, visit the Postgraduate Diploma in Programme Management (PGDipPM) section on the website.
Academic Programme Fees
Registration Fee: R 7,500.00
Other Fees: Two payments of R 61,500.00 each
Academic Programme Fee Calculation:
R 7,500.00 + (2 x R 61,500.00) = R 123,000.00
Total: R 130, 500.00
Fee Payment Options:
Pay the full fee, or as illustrated below. It is advisable for your employer to sponsor the payment(s) and claim back the fees from the relevant SETA (South Africa).
- Full amount once off, or:
- R 69,000.00 at the start (which includes the registration fee) and R 61,500.00 at the end of the first module.
Cancellation Fee: Contact Cranefield’s Financial Coordinator.
Module Repeat Fee: Contact Cranefield’s Financial Coordinator.
Programme Availability
The MCom programme commences every quarter starting in January, April, July, or October. For details, please view the Academic Calendar.
Cranefield’s interactive live online lectures are streamed globally on the internet. Afterwards, recordings are made available online to students.
Accreditation and Certification
The Master of Commerce (MCom) Professional is accredited by the Council on Higher Education at NQF level 9, with 180 credits, and registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training. It particularly serves to meet the need for a professional qualification in programme-managing the organisational value chain.Certification
The Master of Commerce (MCom) Professional is fully aligned with the Project Management Institute’s PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) and the International Project Management Association’s ICB (International Competency Baseline). It is an ideal route towards gaining international certification as an OPM3 (Organisational Project Management Maturity Model) professional by the Project Management Institute. Moreover, the master’s degree is fully aligned with the International Project Management Association’s ICB (International Competency Baseline) 4-level certification model. Successful students qualify for ICB level B certifications.Learning Mode
Cranefield College offers technology-enhanced distance learning. It entails the integration of self-study, interactive live online classes, and recordings of classes online. Cranefield’s learning mode is supported by its online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Class Attendance Requirements
All modules (live online):
- Students are encouraged to attend the live online classes. Note that Cranefield operates on a distance learning mode.
- Moreover, students can also view recordings of lectures online in their own time.
Interactive online lecture times and frequencyTime:
09h00 – 12h00Contact Days:
Five (5) sessions per module (streamed interactively online), spread evenly over the three months duration of each module. For class dates see the ACADEMIC CALENDAR below.Entrance Requirements
Cranefield’s Postgraduate Diploma in Programme Management. Candidates who hold degrees or diplomas obtained from other recognized academic institutions and have relevant experience, may also apply. All relevant information and documentation, including a detailed curriculum vitae and the applicant’s work experience, must be submitted to the Registrar (Academic). Hence, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Completion of Cranefield’s Postgraduate Diploma in Programme Management, or any NQF Level 8 or higher qualification recognised by the Admissions Committee as being equivalent, is a prerequisite for admission.
- An ‘equivalent qualification’ means any NQF level 8 or higher qualification with similar content as Cranefield’s Postgraduate Diploma.
- If certain subjects were not sufficiently covered in the ‘equivalent qualification’, relevant modules from the Postgraduate Diploma learning programme will have to be undertaken in addition to those of the Master’s learning programme.
- A minimum average of 63% is required for the Postgraduate Diploma.
- Every case will be evaluated on its own merits.
Submission of Documents process:
- Submit certified copies of your highest academic qualifications.
- Submit a curriculum vitae, which must reflect all your qualifications and the latest grades received.
- The Admissions Committee may, however, require you to provide certified copies relating to all courses/programmes attended at any other institution, prior to approving admission to the learning programme involved.
General Admission Regulations
General Admission for All Academic Programmes:
Possession of prescribed qualifications for admission to any learning programme does not automatically qualify a student for registration.
- The prospective student may be requested to comply with additional requirements, such as a special assignment or an oral or written examination.
- The admission policy is reviewed annually, and the admission requirements from the previous year may not apply.
- It is the responsibility of prospective students to keep abreast of developments.
- Due to the nature of the admission procedures, deadlines are enforced strictly.
- All relevant documentation must be provided by the specified deadlines.
- Application for any programme implies acceptance by the applicant of the admission policies and procedures.
Submission of Documents:When applying for admission to any academic programme:
- Submit certified copies of your highest academic qualifications.
- Submit a curriculum vitae, which must reflect all your qualifications and the latest grades received.
- The Admissions Committee may require you to provide certified copies relating to all courses/programmes attended at any other institution before approving admission to the learning programme involved.
All documents must be submitted to the Registrar (Academic).
Note: When courses are still in progress at the time of application or have not been completed and are not reported on the certified copies, applicants must provide a ‘statement of registration’ to the Registrar (Academic).
- Module MCB1 Corporate Wealth Management (formerly M9.1).
- Module MCB2 Managing Virtual Dynamic Learning Organisations (formerly M9.3).
- Module MCB3 Advanced Strategic Marketing Management (formerly M9.5).
- Module MCB4 Managing for Organisational Performance (formerly M9.2).
- Module MCB5 Digital Transformation Management (formerly M9.4).
- Module MCB6 Leadership and Management Research Methodology (formerly M8).
2025 |
2025 |
2025 |
Q4 2025 |
MCB1 Corporate Wealth Management |
10 April 24 April 08 May 22 May 12 June |
MCB2 Managing Virtual Dynamic Learning Organisations |
23 Jan 06 Feb 20 Feb 06 Mar 20 Mar |
MCB3 Advanced Strategic Marketing Management |
17 July 31 July 14 Aug 28 Aug 17 Sept |
MCB4 Managing for Organisational Performance |
09 April 23 April 07 May 21 May 11 June |
MCB5 Digital Transformation Management |
13 Oct 27 Oct 10 Nov 24 Nov 08 Dec |
MCB6 Leadership & Management Research Methodology |
09 April 23 April 07 May 21 May 11 June |
15 Oct 29 Oct 12 Nov 26 Nov 10 Dec |
MCB7 Dissertation of Limited Scope |
MCB8 Mini-Dissertation |
NOTE that there are 5 online lecture dates per Module per quarter from 09h00 to 12h00.
Degree Fee
R 130,500.00
Pay the full fee or R 69, 000.00 (includes registration fee of R 7, 500.00, plus R 61, 500.00 at the end of the 1st module.) *May be claimed back from your organisation’s SETA (South Africa)

Payment Options
Full or 2 part payments

Classes Per Module
5 live interactive online classes
09H00 – 12H00 RSA time (Greenwich +2)

Live Online-Attendance

Starts Every Quarter

Registration Closes
7 days prior to
starting date

Programme Duration
18 - 24 months