FNB Student Loans
Student Loans
An FNB Student Loan helps students achieve their academic goals. The benefits of the product is a personalised interest rate and access to amounts from R4 000 to R80 000 for each year of study.
With an FNB Student Loan you will only repay interest, fees, credit life insurance and charges while studying, upon conclusion or cessation of studies you will start repaying capital together with interest, fees, credit life insurance and charges.

To learn more or to apply for our FNB Student Loan, follow these easy steps:
1. Visit the FNB Website on www.fnb.co.za
2. Click on the “For Me” icon and scroll down to “Borrow”, and click on the “Student Loan” tab.
3. Information on the FNB Student loan will be available including qualifying criteria, required documentation and process to apply.
4. Ways to apply: Click on “Call me Back” icon, complete required information, and click “Submit” button.
5. Consultant from FNB Student Loan Division will contact you.
FNB Student Loan is governed by the National Credit Act and are subject to a full credit risk and affordability assessment.